Thursday, 29 September 2011

Just a thought #13: The ENVIRONMENT vs JOBS

In a head to head, battle to the death, fight club match up between the ENVIRONMENT and JOBS who would win? the green corner at 96 million years old and weighing in at  6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms at radius of 6,400,000 meters and supporting the lives of 6 billion human beings, the lifeblood of planet Earth, please give a big galaxy way welcome for thhhhheeeeeeeee ENVIRONMENT!

And in the less green corner at only 3000 years old, its all about the mula, money rules the world is its motto, lets give a big galaxy way arena cheer for JOBS!

Which is more important - preserving the environment or creating jobs for South Africans?

  1.  Environment. If we keep this up, we won't have a planet.
  2.  Environment. There's always green jobs we could create.
  3.  Jobs. We need to prevent poverty and other unemployment problems.
  4.  Jobs. Once everyone is employed, they could spend more money on green products.

Whats your vote?...


Just a thought...

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