Saturday, 22 October 2011

Just a thought #16: We need your help some more and more...

As we compile to 20 questions we will be asking 2012 people in 2012 - that's just over 10 people per town in our 200 towns we will visit next year - we call out to you dear supporters to help us.

So we have divided our proposed questions up in our project categories for you to then choose your top 20.
Lend us your thoughts with our three of our four part question search...

Part 3:

The CULTURE Project - 

  1. What is art?
  2. What is SA's most recognized piece of art?
  3. Who is SA's most famous artist?
  4. What does a career mean to you?
  5. Is it more important to enjoy your career or earn a high salary?
  6. What would be your ideal career?
  7. What do you consider a perfect career for your children?
  8. What is the best South African film you have seen?
  9. What genre of films are your favorite?
  10. Is the success of senior sports teams due to sport youth development?
  11. Is the 10 000  hour principle relevant to all sports?
  12. What do you think the biggest social concern is on the world today?
  13. What is the human race's greatest achievement?
  14. What is the human race's greatest failure?
  15. SA rape stats are 1 child every 3 mins - what is the solution?

Please add your suggestions...

Just a thought.

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