Friday, 22 June 2012


There are examples all over the world and the fact is every country has had and still has racial and culture conflict and this will probably always be the case. Where there are differences, be it in colour, religion, culture, there will be conflict in something as simple as a bar altercation right through to a civil war. In light of this South Africa has managed a transition in a proud and peaceful way, something to be satisfied with, and the country can indeed hold its head high. But right now it is time to get on with it. Move on. Move forward. What has happened has happened, we can all learn from it and the beauty of that is that we can grow even better because of it.

The question really is whether South Africa as a nation is strong enough to admit mistakes not just 50 years ago, but 10 years ago. Admit that it hasn’t been all a ‘bed of roses’. Service delivery has been slacking off. Health care for the poor is so bad and for the rich so expensive. Jobs have not met the demand. Education is becoming a joke and crime, although not nearly as bad as the world makes it out to be, is still a problem. This is something the government has to accept and I for one would have a lot more respect for the current administration if they admitted their short-comings, gave the people real results and figures and from there provided realistic forecasts rather than blaming their in-efficiencies on the 1980’s. The generation right now, the children being born today and the ones that were born 20 years ago have the fabulous opportunity to be immersed in a nation of positively not a nation full of blame and carried on shoulders full of chips. I think racism does still exist in South Africa and of course it will but I also think racism is automatically thought of as white on black thing, however right now it is quite clear that the government also needs to let go of the past and with that, let go of its attitudes as well as the previous government’s faults.

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