Saturday 12 November 2011

Just a thought #19: Choice Fatigue

In the fast paced, small world we live in filled with choice fatigue, high stress levels and increasing competitiveness, we face growing challenges each day.
First world stress levels are usually geared around too much choice and third world stress levels mostly too little choice.

Social media has become an integral part of both our business and personal lives. It is becoming increasingly hard to keep things fresh, unique and exciting for your audience. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Just a thought #18: Are we always travelling?

What is it that makes one love to travel so much? Could it be the thought of something new? The tastes, sounds and sights? Or is it the people and animals you may encounter. We watch travel shows; enjoy movies of exotic places, and most of the time we dream of where and when our next holiday or adventure might be?

Could it be that we are instinctively nomads at heart. Wanderers? Is it because we are mammals looking for the greener fields or the fresher waters or maybe the warmer sun or less harsh winters?